To accelerate BIM Adoption rate (Part 3)

A lack of employees with enough BIM skills both within the #AECO industry and among its clients is slowing BIM #adoption. #BIM skills are core capabilities in a #digitalized #construction industry, and as a result, they cannot be outsourced to third parties.

#Organizations have three options for increasing their BIM talent pool: hiring new talent with the required skills, upskilling the existing workforce, and simplifying BIM #technology and #processes to reduce required skills. Education must be reformed to provide prospective employees with necessary BIM skills as well as the #interdisciplinary skills required for BIM #collaboration. Courses should teach students tangible, applicable BIM knowledge through practical, hands-on #training.

Universities, vocational and professional training providers should integrate BIM into general design and engineering classes rather than offer courses as electives or add-ons. #Upskilling the existing workforce can be done on the job or in the classroom. In either case, AECO companies and industry associations should work with professional providers and academia to develop upskilling courses. Companies should institute a broad set of internal upskilling programmes. Some of those could include train-the-trainer programmes, job rotations and (reverse) mentorships.

#BIMAdoption #AECO #BIM #Revit #AEC #BIMTraining